Cycling In Sri Lanka

The island’s proud history of over 2500 years and breath-taking diversity of scenery will capture your heart and soul like no other destination. Our cycling trails are based in the beautiful Sri Lankan countryside and you will explore our beautiful island, Sri Lanka. May the time you spend on our island be filled with exciting experiences, memories of which you will carry long after you leave our shores.

Any time of year is a good time to ride in Sri Lanka, except maybe November when it gets very wet in most places. The island has such a diverse collection of weather patterns that there is somewhere to ride most of the year. Bike Tours in Sri Lanka, cycling tours blend in with Sri Lankan culture, its people, wilderness and local cuisines. Bike Tours in Sri Lanka cycling holidays offer multiple local experiences with

Months and Locations

Optimal Cycling Areas
JanuaryDry zone, Central Mountains, East Coast, Southwest Coast
FebruaryDry zone, Central Mountains, East Coast, Galle/Southwest
MarchMountains, Galle/Southwest, Southeast
AprilMountains, Southeast
MayMountains, Southeast
JuneDry zone, Mountains, Galle/Southwest
JulyDry zone, Mountains, Galle/Southwest
AugustDry zone, Mountains, Galle/Southwest
SeptemberDry zone, Mountains, Galle/Southwest
OctoberEast, Northeast Coast
NovemberWet all over the country
DecemberDry zone (closer to Kandy), Mountains, Galle/Southwest

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